We need your help!

There are so many ways you can make a difference. If you believe in a world where no-one feels alone with their mental health, support us in any way you can. Here are some of the ways you can get involved.

We urgently need more money to maintain our services. At present, and made worse by the Coronavirus crisis, we have no bursary to offer clients who are unable to pay. We know that children young people, individuals, couples and families all need our help and rely on our specialist support.

If you want to discuss more ways to help us, through an independent fundraising project or an idea you have, please get in touch with Relate Derby and Southern Derbyshire.

Contact Us

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Contact Us

3 Wentworth House, Vernon Gate, Derby, DE1 1UR
Phone: 01332 349177
Email: info@relatederby.org.uk

Charity Number: 1110768

Opening Times

Monday-Thursday: 9am - 9pm
Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: 9am - 2pm